Thursday, November 13, 2014

Top Pokémon Soundtracks

The world of Pokémon is full of mystery and magic.. oh, Pokémon are there too! One thing that I found Pokémon to always do well is music. The sound editing in any of these games is always on point. As someone you delves a lot into the soundtrack of movies, television and video games; these tracks happen to always be a great listen. So, (in no particular order) here are the soundtracks I hold most dear from Pokémon games. PS You can also click on the text to hear the tracks.

Title Screen (R/B/Y), 
Remake: Fire Red/Leaf Green Version.

The first sound you've probably heard playing a Pokémon game. The opening title screen music is a piece of 8 bit joy. It's a warm and welcoming tune to the world of Pokémon.

Lavender Town (R/B/Y), 
Remake: Fire Red/Leaf Green Version

This is most likely the only music from a town in a Pokémon game you will remember and will instantly recognize. The Lavender Town Theme is creepy and eerie; fitting for the only place with Pokémon graves. That's right. Pokémon graves. So far, you know that your Pokémon faint when they take too much damage and you heal them at a Pokémon Center to put them back in fighting shape. You didn't know Pokémon died until now… That'll always be memorable and so will Lavender Town.

Final Battle! (Rival) (R/B/Y), 
Remake: Fire Red/Leaf Green Version

You've been training for hours on end; honing your team and beating the best. You've beaten all 8 Gym Leaders and have finally taken down the last of the Pokémon League's Elite Four. Dragon-Type Trainer Lance tells you that you're about to become Champion… if your Rival hadn't done the same thing not too long ago. He's the Champion and now you'll have to take him down too to beat the game. All the mockery, all the insults he's thrown even after losing to you, all boil down to this one true moment. The music reminds you that this is the battle to end them all and you'd better take the chance.

Battle! (Champion/Red) (G/S/C), 
Remake: Heart Gold/Soul Silver Version

With your Rival taking the position of Champion in the previous game, your final showdown was against him. Not in the sequel of Gold, Silver and Crystal. Your comrade Lance has advanced in rank to the Champion of Indigo Plateau and his dragons keep him at the top. It's now up to you to topple these mythical beasts with all your strength. This also plays when you fight Trainer Red atop Mt. Silver, making this the theme the boss music to the end of the main game and the post game.

Battle! (Gym Leader) (R/S/E), 
Remake: Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Version
Gym Leaders are the bosses of the Pokémon world. With the previous entries on Game Boy and Game Boy Color, the chip tune sound was iconic. But the anté was upped with the 3rd Generation Games on Game Boy Advance, and they did not disappoint. Hoenn was famous for utilizing trumpets into their soundtrack and they ARE present in the Gym Leader battles. They make these fights FEEL like the boss battles they are.

Battle! (Brendan/May) (R/S/E), 
Remake: Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Version
In Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald; you're rival isn't mean or scary. It's your new next door neighbor! In Red/Blue, Professor Oak's cocky grandson is your rival and an angst-filled stranger (later revealed to be Team Rocket Boss Giovanni's son) in Gold/Silver. But in the 3rd Gen game, Professor Birch's child was your rival and became the first rival that wasn't out to get you and the soundtrack along with their battles is iconic. It switches from a friendly and upbeat tune to a dark and tense beat. It reminds you that although you're on good terms, this is a battle to the end.

Battle! (Team Aqua/Team Magma) (R/S/E)
Remake: Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Version
Team Magma and Team Aqua are memorable for many reasons. They are the first criminal organization besides Team Rocket to appear in a game and they are the only crime group so far to be version exclusive. Team Magma are the antagonists in Ruby Version and Aqua are in Sapphire. It makes for a hodgepodge of a mess when it comes to Emerald, as the plots intertwine and it gets hard to decipher who the villain truly is in that version. Nevertheless, the soundtrack fighting against a Team Magma/Aqua member is too catchy not to love.

Battle! (Team Aqua/Team Magma Leaders) (R/S/E)
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Version

Just like how fighting Grunts is awesome. Fighting against the Leaders is even more of an adrenaline rush. You only fight them 3 times in one play through, so its very rare and sooooo satisfying. It's an experience you won't forget...

Battle! (Super-Ancient Pokémon) (R/S/E)
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Version
Taking down the boss of Team Aqua or Magma isn't always the piece de resistance, it's fighting against the Legendary Pokémon of that game. When Groudon or Kyogre escape captivity and cause a massive scenery change in Hoenn, you know thing's have gotten downhill. It's now up to you to calm the Ancient Beast and the music reminds you with every note.

Battle! (Steven) (R/S/E)
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Version
Seeing Steven as the Champion of the Elite Four isn't a huge surprise in Ruby and Sapphire, as you've seen him take on Team Magma and Aqua before. He's still a Champion and is still a tough fight nonetheless. Most of his Pokémon are Rock or Steel, making him the first Champion to favor defense over offense. It's also a nice treat to find Steven tucked away in a cave in Emerald after Wallace becomes Champion. Either version of Steven is difficult to defeat and the music reminds you that you're in for a rude awakening.

The Trick House (R/S/E)
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Version
Possibly my favorite Pokémon soundtrack to date, I spent a lot of time in The Trick House in Ruby. I would constantly go back after every new town to see if there was a new puzzle to solve. Needless to say, I was disappointed many times but the music kept my spirit afloat at all times.

Battle! (Rival) (D/P/Pt)

The Rival Theme in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum holds a special place in my heart. Just how Brendan/May is your first friendly rival thus far, Barry steals the rug out from under their feet. Barry is your hyperactive neighbor and best friend. The music that plays during your fights with him is totally upbeat and cheery to remind you of this friendly competition.

Battle! (Champion) (D/P/Pt)

Cynthia is by far my most fearsome competitor yet. As a Champion, type coverage is a must and Cynthia carries it in spades. She has the broadest type coverage I've seen and she also starts with the fearsome Spiritomb, a Pokémon that didn't have any weaknesses until Fairy types! Her music reminds you that it's going to take your very best to take down her team.

Battle! (Team Plasma) (B/W)

The Team Plasma theme is one of the few good things of Generation 5. I was very disappointed in Gen 5, but still enjoyed it nonetheless. One thing I enjoyed was Team Plasma. The Grunts in Black and White make me laugh with their outfits, add on the fact they are seriously telling me to release all of Pokémon for the betterment of man. No thanks… I liked the more ruthless and normally nasty Team Plasma in Black and White 2.

Battle! Elite Four (R/S/E) (D/P/Pt) (B/W)

If Gym Leaders are the bosses of Pokémon world, then fighting against the Elite Four is like a final boss rush. You have to fight four trainers of increasing difficulty one after the other before facing the final challenge in the League Champion. The Elite Four can be very intimidating because even though you have a break in between each battle, you have to make sure you've brought the enough healing items and strong enough Pokémon to tackle the gauntlet. The Elite Four themes I find the best are from Ruby/Sapphire, Diamond/Pearl and Black/White. The R/S Theme is a nostalgic one that is severe yet full of energy. The D/P one is very serious in tone just like their Champion's mix. Finally, the B/W mix is a mix of both previous versions. It's serious and moody with a uppity beat along with it all the way.

Decisive Battle! (N)

This soundtrack is a doozy. It's essentially the Champion theme for Black and White without being the actual theme. In B/W, you don't actually fight the Unova Champion Alder until you retry taking down the Elite Four a second time around. The first time around, the mysterious N of Team Plasma confronts Alder and defeats him before you can show up. He uses one of the Legendary Dragons of Unova, but before you fight him the other Legendary will appear before you. After defeating or capturing it, you'll fight against N in a final bout. The tune is extremely hype as it is nothing but pulse pounding food for your soul.

Battle! (Champion Iris) (B2/W2)

Champion tunes always have the promise of being the final boss fight and the only track from Black/White 2 has to be the Iris's Champion theme. As intimidating as it is to face her, her theme is upbeat and catchy. Like many past soundtracks, it reminds you that this is the match to end them all and you need to be focused on achieve victory.

Battle! (Gym Leader) (X/Y)

As the bosses of the Pokémon games, Gym Leaders have some of the best music to listen to whilst fighting them. I really like the theme in X and Y. For some reason, it reminds me of a game show theme where you have to risk it all to win it all. In a Gym Battle, that's one of the best feels you can have.

Battle! (Xerneas/Yveltal) (X/Y)

There have been some insane Legendary Pokémon in the past and X and Y are no exception. Although their inclusion in the games is somewhat short and useless, they still give off the same glorious feeling that Title Pokémon should. Whether it be the struggle to capture them for yourself or the awesome music. This theme for Xerneas and Yveltal is very menacing and heavy, just a reminder of the weight on your shoulders while you're basically trying to battle the Pokémon of Life or Destruction... No biggie 

Battle! (Champion) (X/Y)

One of the greatest sounds to ever come from a Pokémon game is this one. Probably on of my Top 5 favorites; the theme to Kalo's Champion, Diantha, is pulse pounding. It's that upbeat thrilling, rock and sock 'em feel. It drives you to keep up the challenge, no matter how bleak things might look. Seriously, it's just awesome.

This song was the one I needed to hear when the game launched. I had to analyze every piece of info and trailer for our blog that covered all pre-release information. This song was in every trailer and I fell in love before the game even came out. Alola's theme fits the motif of the region to a tee: a place to enjoy life and be free.

Hau is your Sun and Moon rival and boy is this lad raring to go! Much like Barry from Generation IV, Hau seems to be a ball of unstoppable energy. He's always bright and cheerful and the moments he is fearful or struck with grief really hit home. Hau's theme is pretty similar. It is cheery and even goofy at certain points that really emphasize his personality, even if he is a tad slower than you.

In Sun and Moon we saw the disappearance of Hidden Machines for traversal and got the handy Ride Pager to summon Ride Pokémon to assist us in traveling. The Land music is one that speaks to me. Whenever you use Tauros Charge, Stoutland Search, Mudsdale Gallop, or Machamp Shove it makes  everything better. The way your character model moves (roughly) to the notes of the song makes me appreciate the effort that went into it.

Team Skull is by far the funniest villain team in a Pokémon game thus far. Their nonsensical code of conduct and relentless passion make them more of a laughing stock than a threat. Even the NPCs think so! Unlike the other villains where you can see their plans effect the world, Team Skull does little outside of challenging you every step of the way.

As much as the Totem Pokémon are the new bosses as of Generation VII, the Island Kahuna theme is the real deal. You face 4 kahunas in total, one for each island, and they remind us Gym Leaders prior. Like the Totem Pokémon, they have strategies so it's best to have a plan of action going in. The kahuna theme starts out dark and menacing like you're about to face a monster. The beat then picks up from there and doesn't stop for anyone! It might turn lighter and upbeat, but the pacing is reminiscent of a time trial more than a Grand Trial. It's fast, fun and frantic at the same time.

I'm a sucker for champion themes and Sun/Moon's is no exception (well a little). In this title, the Pokémon League has just formed so there isn't even a Champion yet. That's where you come in. Since every Title Match takes place on the summit of Mount Lanakila, the music feels appropriate and especially as the finale to the main game. It hits every beat of intimidating and joyful, it puts that twitchy and excited hand you have alongside the lump in your throat into a song.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Top 10 Pokémon Gym Leaders by Marshall

The next entry in our series of Pokémon blogs leading up to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will be about Gym Leaders. They are the bosses of the Pokémon games, as you trek through their Gyms to reach them and battle them for a League Badge. They specialize in a specific type of Pokémon and are pretty dang tough. Here's where we'll toast to the best of them.

Honorable Mentions: Lt. Surge, Watson & Clemont

Gym: Vermilion City Gym, Mauville City Gym, Lumiose City Gym

Type: Electric Type

It is a small coincidence that every one of my honorable mentions goes to an Electric type Gym Leader. I do enjoy each and every one of them in a different manner. Lt. Surge is a veteran of an always speculated Pokémon war. Yes… Pokémon. War. Watson is a very charismatic Leader. He doesn't mess around when it comes to battling, but he wants to make sure you will grow as a trainer and mature as a person too. Clemont's excessive use of gadgets and other accessories makes him so memorable. He also has a Quiz based Gym in Lumiose Tower. Those are always the best ones.

10. Volkner

Gym: Sunyshore City Gym, Sinnoh

Badge: Beacon Badge

Type: Electric Type

The number 10 spot goes to the top Electric Type Gym Leader, Volkner. When you enter Sunyshore City, you learn that it's Gym Leader doesn't really care for battling anymore. Besides that fact, you still enter his Gym and make it to him. He begrudgingly accepts your challenge. If you wipe the floor with him, he pauses upon his defeat. Afterwards, he bursts out laughing with gusto. He says that your fight has inspired him and the strength and courage you showed him reminds him of the trainer he was. Volkner takes this motivation to heart and begins to enjoy his battling once again.

Most Gym Leaders we meet in Pokémon games aren't around very long. If they're not apart of the story, you battle them and that's it. One and done. Volkner is one of the former, a Gym Leader you rarely see outside of their respective Gym. But in the few moments we have with the man, we see character development. We see a drastic change. A revelation. It's this development that boosts Volkner above his Electric comrades.

9. Tate and Liza

Gym: Mossdeep City Gym, Hoenn

Badge: Mind Badge

Type: Psychic Type

Tate and Liza are an interesting duo. They're ESP twins and (you guessed it) use Psychic Type Pokémon. The only cool thing about these two is that they're the only Gym Leader(s) who have a Double Battle format. They have a similar Gym to Kanto's Saffron City Gym, containing warp pads but adding the moveable puzzle format to it, and use Psychics as well. It also changes the pace of things very easily. All of your Pokémon fair pretty well up to this point by themselves, but a Double Battle changes up the format so much. Suddenly, two of your most powerful Pokémon are constantly hindering each other in battle and making it that much easier for Tate & Liza to get the win. Check yourself before you wreck yourself when it comes to these two.

8. Whitney

Gym: Goldenrod City Gym, Johto

Badge: Plain Badge

Type: Normal Type

Yes… Whitney's Miltank was here… Besides the fact that Whitney's Miltank will crush your hopes and dreams, she's actually a decent trainer. That Miltank is a very hard Pokémon to beat that early in your career and overcoming it is no easy feat. But just like Volkner, Whitney shows us some actual human development in the time we see her.

After finally triumphing over her, she breaks down and cries her eyes out. She refuses to give you a badge and you have to leave. After a few steps, one of her subordinates tells you to go and ask again. In the few steps you took, she realizes her actual defeat and is able to overcome her sadness to present you with the Plain Badge. To see Whitney go from a stingy crybaby to an actual Gym Leader is a nice moment to be witness of.

7. Koga

Gym: Fuchsia City Gym, Kanto

Badge: Soul Badge

Type: Poison Type

Koga is a ninja. Ninjas are cool. That's all there is… On a serious note, Koga has an interesting type and one of the best gyms ever. Koga's Poison type Pokémon have beefy defenses and few weaknesses to exploit. Koga also had one of the single hardest Gym puzzles to date: those invisible walls. If you looked closely enough, you could see them but they were a huge pain if you didn't. That along with the fact that Koga ascended into the Elite Four from his Gym Leader position make him a force to be reckoned with.

6. Crasher Wake

Gym: Pastoria City Gym, Sinnoh

Badge: Fen Badge

Type: Water Type

Crasher Wake is nothing but personality. Even in his sprite form in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum; the man reeks of spirit. This Water Type Gym Leader is a wrestler and that's where most of his strengths come from. He reminds me of Chuck from the Cianwood Gym, just so much better. With so much energy backing him up, Wake jumps high onto this list.

5. Blaine

Gym: Cinnabar Island Gym, Kanto

Badge: Volcano Badge

Type: Fire Type

The Hot-Headed Quiz Master himself, Blaine of Cinnabar Island. Blaine is another personality defined Gym Leader. His Fire Type Pokémon hit close to home in my heart. His Gym is also NOTHING BUT TRIVIA!!! Even though I know every answer, I still challenge the trainers there. I've always preached that if grinding in a game is fun, there's something seriously right going on there. In Gold and Silver, Blaine's undying and fiery spirit lives on as he relocates to the Seafoam Islands after Cinnabar is the victim of a volcanic eruption. Blaine literally sits in a small cave all day and waits for challengers. The determination is strong with this one.

4. Drayden

Gym: Opelucid City Gym, Unova

Badge: Legend Badge

Type: Dragon Type

Dragons are cool, therefore Drayden is cool. He's the Dragon Master of Opelucid City and an all-around badass to boot. Drayden is a strict teacher and instructor in the ways of Dragon Pokémon. His Dragons are hard to take down for a reason. Although he is usurped by his student Iris, who becomes the Unova Pokémon League Champion, we have nothing but respect for this man. Drayden is Opelucid's Mayor and an equal of the Dragon Elders as well. Plus, you can't deny that super sweet beard of his.

3. Clair

Gym: Blackthorn City Gym, Johto

Badge: Rising Badge

Type: Dragon Type

Just beating out the only other Dragon Type Gym Leader is the OG Dragon Leader, Clair. Similar to Drayden, Clair is a Dragon Pokémon Trainer and the final Gym Leader of their respective regions. Clair's Gym Puzzle is a bit more memorable than Drayden's as it consists of scaling multiple levels AND reconfiguring puzzles to advance. Clair is also a childhood friend of the iconic Lance of the Pokémon League.

What makes Clair great is her supreme judge of character. After defeating her, she does not give you a Rising Badge in similar fashion to Whitney's outcry. Clair's reasoning is much more solid. You may have beaten her, but you just aren't worthy of it just it. You'd think taking down her Kingdra would be proof enough. She has you go into the Dragon's Den behind her Gym and retrieve a Dragon Fang. After that, she recognizes your abilities and gives you the badge. This is a memorable moment for fans and Clair stands out even more for this reason.

2. Giovanni

Gym: Viridian City Gym, Kanto

Badge: Earth Badge

Type: Ground Type

The Carmine Falcone of Kanto is Giovanni. When you pass through Viridian City, you lay your eyes on your first Gym. Unfortunately, the Gym is closed as the Gym Leader is away. After your destroy Giovanni and disband Team Rocket, the Viridian City Gym opens up after you obtain the Volcano Badge from Blaine. After navigating the familiar arrow pads, you come to the end and encounter Giovanni. YES, this diabolical man is the last Gym Leader you need to face before the Pokémon League. Sure enough though, you trounce him for the final time and he gives up Team Rocket for good this time. You then take your Earth Badge and look towards the Indigo Plateau.

This is THE twist back in the day. With no internet to spoil anything, this was one of the biggest revelations during games of that time. That still holds true today and makes Giovanni one of the best Leaders to date.

1. Norman

Gym: Petalburg City Gym, Hoenn

Badge: Balance Badge

Type: Normal Type

Meet Norman. He's your dad. 

Most Pokémon games start off the same. You wake up. You're 10 years old (sometimes a bit older). You go downstairs and talk to your mom. She sends you on your merry way as you leave home to become a Pokémon trainer. Every. Single. Generation… All but one. In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, you move to Littleroot Town in Hoenn because your dad has recently become the Gym Leader of the Petalburg City Gym. After spending much time apart from him, your mom thought it'd be best to move to the Hoenn region so you'd both be with him.

That's Norman's greatest strength. Out of multiple versions of heroes, he's the only father out of them all. An increasingly huge fan theory talks about the Pokémon war hinted at in past lore. This theory uses the fact that there are few older males in the Pokémon world. Even if was to be true… It just adds even more to the fact that Norman deserves this spot even more. Norman's Gym is also one of my favorites to explore. It's a Normal-Type Gym where the trainers use stat boosting battle items like X-Attacks and X-Speed. As much as I don't utilize these items at all, it made me appreciate these items and how much they can actually affect the tide of battle. Thank you Norman. Thank you for being the father we needed.